Touch The Truck Event

WCHS: Any student in grades 9-12 interested in signing up for ACT School Day testing on April 9 should bring $51 to the office. Money is due to Mrs. Collins in the office by Tuesday, February 20! Additionally, all juniors will be participating in the SAT on March 5th as a state required exam. The SAT exam is at no-cost for juniors.

WCHS Seniors and families: This reminder for some upcoming Scholarship Due Dates: The Randolph Community Foundation and Hunsucker Scholarship online forms are due Thursday February 1.
We are also extending the Winchester Community High School Local Scholarship deadline to 3:15 PM February 1. Scholarship forms must be turned in to the the WCHS office.

The Boys Basketball Game at Liberty Christian for this evening, Friday, January 19, will still be played as scheduled.

Come and see the Drama Club performance this weekend!

WCHS-Herff Jones will be in the building on Tuesday to take orders for Graduation Supplies and Class rings. Students can place orders during lunch or after school in the commons until 6 pm.

Good afternoon WCHS families-
This Thursday, October 19 is PSAT Day for all 9th-11th graders. All students should plan to bring a charged Chromebook to school to take the test. Please help remind your child to charge their Chromebook on Wednesday evening.
Seniors can take a college visit or do a job shadowing experience on Thursday. They each received a form a few weeks ago that is due tomorrow (Tuesday). Please remind them to turn these in!

The FCCLA, Mr. Hendrickson, and Mrs. Neville are starting to cook the food for tonight's SENIOR SOAR NIGHT! All seniors and parents/guardians should attend at 6:30 PM in the Commons to get information on the rest of the year. See you soon!

REMINDER FOR SENIORS: Tonight at 6:30 PM WCHS is hosting "Senior Soar Night" for seniors & parents to gather information about the remainder of the school year including: diploma requirements, scholarships, graduation, calendar items, etc. Please enter at Door #1. Supper will be served!

SAVE THE DATE: Senior Soar Night
Wednesday, September 13 @ 6:30 PM
In the WCHS Commons
Supper will be served
This event is for all seniors and their parents/guardians to find out all of the important information they need to make it successfully through the senior year including:
important dates; academic requirements; employment, enlistment, enrollment information; scholarships; FAFSA; graduation and cap and gown information; and all questions will be answered!

At WCHS we are proud of our Early College students. If your child is a junior or senior and enrolled in an Ivy Tech course you will be receiving an Early College yard sign in the next couple of weeks delivered to your home by our WCHS staff.

WCHS Freshman Frenzy
7:00 PM Door #1
Parents pick-up Freshmen @ 7:45
Lee L. Driver Middle School
6:00 - 7:00 PM
Sixth Grade Meeting from 6:00-6:30
Deerfield Elementary School
5:00 - 6:00 PM
Willard Elementary School
6:00 - 7:00 PM
O.R. Baker Elementary School
5:00 - 6:00 PM

Randolph Central Parents,
I hope your family had a restful summer break. Much has happened over the summer in preparation for this school year including several facility projects. We have a full staff and are excited about seeing your child(ren) tomorrow (8/9). Every Wednesday, including the first day of school, is an early release day. Usually, this is for professional development time, but on the first day of school this time is used to help students learn the process of getting to the correct bus and it allows for more time as some of the bus routes have been reorganized. Please click the link below to see the Wednesday early release schedule as well as the other schedules..
Thank you!
Rolland Abraham

Student schedules are now available for viewing in PowerSchool. If you have not registered your student online please make sure to register them ASAP.
A few things to remember:
Student schedules could change based on teacher/staffing changes, class sizes and balancing.
Schedule changes will not be made to accommodate a student desiring to be in a different section of the same course. Please do not ask.
Schedule issues should be sent to mhendrickson@randolphcentral.us. Dual Credit issues should be sent to jawinkle@randolphcentral.us.
Freshman Frenzy is schedule for August 8 @ 7 PM for new students and freshmen to come and find their locker, classrooms, and get acquainted with the building. The event will begin in the Commons and students will need picked up at 7:45-8:00 PM.
Have an amazing rest of the summer!

The following books will be disposed of:
15 Glencoe Managing LifeSkills
20 Goodheart Wilcox Skills for Personal and Family Living
29 Glencoe Algebra 1 Books
30 Larson PreCalculus with Limits
If you have an interest in any of these books please email Kim Collins at kicollins@randolphcentral.us

Good Luck to the Falcons in the Kokomo IHSAA Semi-State on Saturday June, 10th!
The Falcons play Delphi in Session1 at 2pm.
The game will be played at Municipal Stadium located at 400 South Union St in Kokomo.
All tickets will be sold electronically using the links below. Kokomo will offer a cash option at the gate.
Session 1 (11am/2pm) ($12)
Session 2 (8PM) ($12):
ALL Sessions ($20):
Go Falcons!!

We are happy to announce that our enrollment portal for the 23-24 school year is now open!
Returning Students - The parent or guardian listed as the first contact should have received an email today with the snapcode to access your student's record. If you did not have a valid email on file, you will receive a letter this week. Please make sure to call one of the offices for your student's snapcode if you did not receive it instead of using the new student link.
New Students - If you did not end the 22-23 school year at RCSC, you will need to use the following link to enroll:
Visit our website for your details:
Thank you and have a great summer!

⚾️⚾️Regional Champions!!⚾️⚾️. On to Semi-State!!