First Day of School
- The first day of the 2021-22 school year is Wednesday, August 11th.
- Please note that the first day of school is a Wednesday meaning that dismissal will take place at 2:10PM (see below section about Wednesday early dismissals).
Open House
- Open House will take place on Tuesday, August 10th from 6-7PM.
- There will be short "Welcome to Willard" meeting for all grade 3 parents at 6:45 in the Willard gymnasium.

Morning Drop-Off & Afternoon Pick-Up
- All morning drop-offs between 7:55AM and 8:15AM should take place at Door 7S at the southwest corner of the building.
- All afternoon pick-ups at 3:00PM (2:10PM on Wednesdays) should also take place at Door 7S.
- Door #1 should only be used for student entry and pick-up after 8:15AM and prior to 3:00PM (2:10PM on Wednesdays).
Breakfast & Lunch
- Breakfast and Lunch will be FREE for ALL students until further notice.
- Breakfast will be served from 7:55AM-8:15AM
- Lunch will be served at the following times:
- 3rd - 11:00 (10:50 on Wednesdays)
- 4th - 11:30 (11:25 on Wednesdays)
- 5th - 12:00 (12:10 on Wednesdays)
- Breakfast and lunch menus can be found on our school websites (see below screenshot).
- Additionally, you can download the NUTRISLICE APP to find picture menus, nutritional information, and more. This is a super easy way to check our school menu!

- At this time, all visitors to the building are by appointment through the office or classroom teacher. Visitors will be temperature screened and must not have exhibited any COVID-19 symptoms within the previous 24 hours.
Textbook Assistance
- If you have not yet filled out paperwork for textbook assistance (Free & Reduced Lunch paperwork) and you feel that you should qualify, please plan to do so during Open House or stop by the Willard office during our normal business hours.
Early Dismissal
- Please remember that school will be dismissed at 2:10PM every Wednesday of the school year. Please make arrangements to pick up or receive your children from the bus at 2:10PM on Wednesdays.
- In the event of a school delay on a Wednesday, Willard will have an eLearning Day instead.
Current Reopening Plan
- Students may but are not required to wear masks during the school day.
- Students MUST wear masks on buses. Please plan accordingly.

Daily Student Health Screening
- Please screen children each morning for the below symptoms and call the office immediately if your child is experiencing any of those listed.
Upcoming Dates
- Tuesday, August 10th - Open House 6-7PM
- Wednesday, August 11th - First Student Day
- Wednesday, September 1st - Fall Picture Day
- Monday, September 6th - Labor Day - No School
- Thursday, September 9th - 5th Grade Swiss Heritage Days Field Trip
- Friday, September 10th - Midterm
- Friday, September 10th - 4th Grade Swiss Heritage Days Field Trip