MEDIA CONTACT: Sam Rourke at (913) 206-7678 or FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Wednesday, June 3, 2020 Next Level Programs of Study Pilot Programs Chosen 12 schools to receive $50,000 Implementation Grant to offer new CTE Programs of Study (INDIANAPOLIS) -- The Indiana Office of Career and Technical Education (CTE) has selected 12 recipients for a Next Level Programs of Study Implementation Grant. These grants will provide the selected schools and CTE Districts up to $50,000 each to offer a pilot program of a Next Level Program of Study during the 2020-2021 school year. Next Level Programs of Study is the state’s initiative to rethink and revitalize CTE programming in Indiana and will be implemented statewide beginning in the 2021-2022 school year. The Office of CTE has been working with K-12 teachers and administrators, Ivy Tech Community College, and Vincennes University in developing the new programs of study. Each program of study will contain intentional coursework designed to give Indiana students the opportunity to earn credentials, including industry certifications and postsecondary certificates, while enrolled in high school. Students who participate in these programs of study will have an opportunity to launch their careers sooner, while saving money on postsecondary tuition and training expenses. The Implementation Grant recipients will be piloting programs in ten different career pathways, with courses delivered in diverse settings and formats. Recipients represent career centers and high schools from across Indiana. Funds from the grant can be utilized for a variety of items, including obtaining needed equipment or professional development of staff. Each pilot program will serve as a model for schools in preparing for statewide rollout of Next Level Programs of Study in 2021-2022. Office of CTE staff will provide technical assistance to each recipient throughout this summer and school year and use lessons learned to ensure an effective statewide transition to Next Level Programs of Study the following school year. In March, the Office of CTE awarded 36 Next Level Programs of Study Planning Grants of $5,000 each. Planning Grant recipients participated in virtual workshops put on by the Office of CTE to develop a deeper understanding of the goals and requirements of Next Level Programs of Study. Recipients then collaborated with community partners to develop an implementation plan specific to their local community. 30 Planning Grant recipients submitted implementation plans, of which 12 were selected to receive Implementation Grants. A full list of recipients is below:

WCHS Receives $50,000 Implementation Grant
June 3, 2020