End of the 1st-Falcons lead

Girls Sectional

The Lady Falcons are here and ready to go!

The Lady Falcons play in the Sectional finals tonight against Tipton at Eastbrook at 7:00 PM. We hope to see many Falcon fans at the game! If you are unable to attend listen to Tom and Mark on 98.3! Good luck Lady Falcons!

The Falcons get another TEC win over Centerville!

Beginning of the 3rd quarter

Boys Basketball vs Centerville tonight

JV gets a win over TEC foe Centerville.

Just a reminder: WCHS does not accept Valentine's deliveries for students. If flowers/balloons are ordered they should be sent to students' homes.

Congratulations to the Lady Falcons on tonight’s win and to Caitlyn Campbell for reaching 1000 career points! The school board meeting scheduled for this Tuesday evening will be moved to Thursday evening February 10 at 6 PM. The Board meeting will be at the WCHS/DMS Library.

The Lady Falcons are heading to the Sectional Finals!

Lady Falcons end of the 3rd quarter.

Caitlyn Campbell gets 1000 points!

Girls Sectional tonight

Getting ready to watch the Lady Falcons take on Madison Grant at Eastbrook.

Heading to OT at Hamilton Heights.

Falcons have the ball

Falcons lead with 6:33 to go.

The Falcons are up 35-31 in the 3rd quarter!

The Falcons are playing today at Hamilton Heights.